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Test & Buy principle

Our DoorGuard costs 150Fr.
However, you can try it for free by pre-ordering it for free .
(When ordering, a payment of 1 Fr. will be reserved on your card which will then be cancelled again, this is only for authorization purposes)

A detailed description can be found below:

Schritt 1:

DoorGuard gratis vorbestellen

Gold Arrow
Preorder button without text

Schritt 2:

Wir produzieren & versenden deinen DoorGuard

Schritt 3:

Sobald die Zustellbestätigung erfolgte, beginnen die 14 Tage Testzeit.

Schritt 4:

Nun hast du 14 Tage Zeit den DoorGuard zu installieren und zu testen.

Gold Arrow
Gold Arrow
Gold Arrow

Do you want to keep the DoorGuard?


Once the 14 day trial period has expired you will automatically receive a payment link for 150Fr. via email.


You have the option of notifying us of a return using the return form up to and including the 14th day. We will then check the validity and send you a pre-paid return label from the Swiss Post.

Return Conditions

Return Conditions

The test & buy option only applies to the order of a single DoorGuard, as we cover the shipping costs for the outward and return shipments. To avoid misuse, we reserve the right to remove the return option for multiple individual orders, as returns cause losses. So order one to test and then send it back or buy it, or order several and make a binding purchase straight away.

If you have not posted the DoorGuard one month after the end of the trial period, we will charge you the full 150 CHF - so you can simply keep it and do not have to send it back. If unexpected problems occur during the return process or there is a problem with the post office, you must contact us without being asked.

The adhesive Velcro fasteners and cable holders can be kept and do not need to be returned. The Velcro does not need to be removed from the sensor either. If we find that parts are missing or damaged, we will contact you and offer you the choice of either paying for the damage or having the DoorGuard returned. In this case, we would also charge the full amount of 150 CHF.

Below you will find the return conditions for the following package contents:




DoorGuard Monitor

Cosmetic damage: 30Fr.
Functional damage: 60Fr.


DoorGuard Sensor

Cosmetic damage: 30Fr.
Functional damage: 60Fr.


Black USB-C cable
White USB-C cable

Cosmetic damage: 5Fr.
Functional damage: 5Fr.

5Fr. per cable

Black cable holders
White cable holders

Don't have to
be returned

Velcro fastener

Don't have to
be returned

DoorGuard surprise gift

Cosmetic damage: 10Fr.


foam inlay

Cosmetic damage: 10Fr.


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