Gratis Testen
Du kannst dein DoorGuard noch Heute gratis bestellen und ihn gratis zurücksenden sollte er dir nicht gefallen.
Mehr Infos auf der Seite Gratis Testen.
Undisturbed work with the DoorGuard

It is particularly unpleasant when someone enters your room and you are surprised because you are wearing headphones. We have developed a solution for this: With the DoorGuard you can work at your desk undisturbed and relaxed at any time.

When the door is closed, the DoorGuard monitor does not light up.

When the door is opened, the DoorGuard monitor lights up red.

Mit DoorGuard profotierst du von einer 2 Jahres Garantie.
Falls dein DoorGuard nicht mehr funktioniert, werden wir dir umgehend einen neuen auf unsere Kosten zusenden.
Kontaktiere uns einfach per Kontaktformular.
Focus on simplicity and user-friendliness
The DoorGuard sensor module connects to the monitor module automatically in less than 1 second.
Plug in, place, align and switch on.
door sensors
- Easy installation
- No app required
- Without WiFi
- Without Bluetooth
- Sensor does not need to be paired
- fast connection
- can be easily removed / placed
- No personal data required such as through an app / login
Step 1

Think about which corner of your door you want to attach the DoorGuard to and then stick the Velcro on the side that is closest to the door frame.

Step 2

Stick the DoorGuard sensor to the corners of your door frame, leaving a gap of about 2mm between the door and the DoorGuard.
Step 3

Connect the DoorGuard monitor to a 5V power source using a USB cable. Position and align it as best suits you.


To start production, we need to order our material from suppliers, most of whom have a minimum order of 100 pieces.
Because we are implementing this start-up all by ourselves (without an investor), we do not want to risk much of our own money.
Quick and easy to remove

Thanks to the Velcro fastener, you can remove and reinstall the DoorGuard quickly and easily.
Dimensions & Weight
DoorGuard Sensor
DoorGuard Monitor

62 x 62 x 18mm (LxWxH)

70 x 48 x 45mm (LxWxH)

DoorGuard Details
Infrared Light Barrier
The infrared light barrier is invisible to the human eye, which means that it does not cause interference even in the dark.
Strong Adhesion
The DoorGuard sensor weighs only
30g and is attached to the door frame with Velcro. The sensor can be mounted/removed using the Velcro connection.

Tiltable Screen
The screen can be tilted 0 - 90 degrees so you can adjust it according to your preferences.
(in the picture it is set to 45 degrees)
Red Indicator
The red light is not so strong that it is blinding, but strong enough to be noticeable at a glance.

DoorGuard ist momentan nur für Kunden in der Schweiz verfügbar. Falls du außerhalb der Schweiz wohnst, möchten wir uns entschuldigen. Wir arbeiten jedoch daran, den DoorGuard auch weltweit verfügbar zu machen und hoffen, ihn bald in deinem Land anbieten zu können.
What's included in the package
Here you can see what will be delivered in your package. Do you have a question about the contents of the package? Please write to us using the contact form and we will help you as quickly as possible.

DoorGuard Monitor
DoorGuard Sensor
2x USB-A to USB-C cable
black and/or white
cable holder
black and/or white
Velcro connection for the DoorGuard sensor
surprise gift